Which countries do you ship your products to?

We can ship worldwide.

Delivery Time

The delivery time is calculated based on a variety of factors that we take into account when processing your order and determining the Estimated Delivery Date. These factors may include the availability of the item, the shipping destination, the shipping method chosen, and any potential shipping delays or issues that may arise.

By considering these factors, we strive to provide you with the most accurate delivery estimate possible.

Order Processing Time

Order Processing begins as soon as we have authorized and verified your payment. Since all of our items are custom-made-to-order, this process can take anywhere from 3-7 business days, although the majority of orders are typically fulfilled and shipped within 5 days of purchase.

We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work diligently to ensure that your order is produced and processed to the highest quality standards.

If there are any delays or issues with your order, we will notify you promptly and work to resolve them as quickly as possible.

Shipping Time

The shipping time is calculated from the date the items are shipped out, not the date when the order is placed. Our average shipping times to anywhere in the world are estimated by product type. Please refer to the following shipping tables for the shipping time of each product.

Product Shipping time
2D Products: T Shirt, 2D Hoodie, Sweatshirt, Long Sleeve, Mug, Blanket 7-15 business days
3D products: All Over Print Hoodie, Ugly Sweatshirt, Quilt Blanket, Bedding Set, Area Rug, Tapestry, Tumbler 10-20 business days

* Please note that the shipping times may be longer during the holiday season or due to unforeseen circumstances. If there will be a significant delay in shipment of your order, we will contact you via email.

Shipping Cost

We offer a flat rate shipping fee of $4.95 per order, regardless of the number of items included in the order. This policy applies to all orders placed on our website. Our goal is to provide fair and transparent pricing for our products and services, ensuring accessibility to a wider range of customers.

How to Track the Order?

To check the status of your order with Genericle, please visit our website at https://genericle.com/track-order/ and enter your Order ID and Billing Email in the appropriate fields. These details can be found in the order confirmation email that you received after placing your order.

We suggest checking the status of your order regularly to stay up-to-date with any updates or changes, including tracking information. If you have any questions or concerns about your order, please do not hesitate to contact our customer support team for assistance. We are always happy to help.